The first thing I have to point out is that the instructions call this origami creation the "mom and baby bird". I am british, so I changed the spelling to mum. Much better.
It was suprisingly easy to make, and although I think I got a little overenthusiastic with my folding, which made the baby bird hide a little more than it was supposed to, it turned out ok.
So i thought instead Id tell you a couple of things about a film that came out last week: "Remember me". I wont tell you the story, all Ill tell you is that it was quite slow and depressing. What I really want to discuss is: Who does the girl look like???
Her name is Emilie de Ravin. She has also starred in Lost (she plays claire), public enemies, the hills have eyes among many other productions. She looks like a combination of Kirsten Dunst, Michelle williams, Drew barrymore, Paula malcomson (plays amanda graystone in Caprica), and a million other blonde hollywood stars of the past ten years. Its ridiculously distracting.
Ruby Jerins played the 11years little sister, and she was ridiculously good. As long as she doesnt end up like hayley joel osment (a little chubby, and overshadowed by his little sister), shes all good.
Ill stop now. Heres your picture for today: