Monday, 25 January 2010

Monday, January 25th - the four step sled

The origami calendar has picked up on the fact that it is currently winter. So they've gone for a winter theme with a sled, which can be made in four steps. Lies. Its actually 10 steps.
So their first alleged step is to valley fold the sides as indicated. Now it wants me to valley fold both sides, so two folds. two steps.
Next it wants me to valley fold the two shorter sides. Two sides again. Another 2 steps.
The "third" step is to mountain fold and squash all four corners. four corners. four steps. However, if you do chose to be picky and count mountain folding and squashing as two separate steps thats eight steps... About this step. The diagram is absolutely rubbish and the instructions are pants too. I had to look at the next picture to work out what I was supposed to do.
The final step is to valley fold both sides to create blades. Again, two sides is two steps. On top of the that the instructions were again really unclear. I just folded it randomly till i got something that looked like the picture.
So instead of four steps, we have 10 steps or 14 steps for the super picky.
So here it is: the four/ten/fourteen step sled:

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