Problem 1: I am not in the US. Therefore I do not have a one dollar bill. So i decided to try with a ten pound note instead (it was the only one I had in my wallet).
Problem 2: Money gets handled a lot. So i was working with material that was creased and folded and old and horrible to work with. Makes folding so much harder when it's not a crisp clean sheet of paper.
Problem 3: like paper, money can tear.
No, i didn't actually tear a tenner. But i thought i would a few times. See at one point i forgot to do a fold so for about a quarter of an hour I was trying to do an impossible fold. When i finally folded it correctly it was all sooooo much easier.
So yes, here it is: George's boat.
Or, because it's not actually george, Her Majesty the Queen's boat.
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